To my single mom on Mother's Day,
You are amazing. I never would have survived the craziest parts of my life without you. You know all my secrets, all my scars, all my fears, you know me better than anyone else.
You raised six kids to your best ability all on your own. All six of us at one point or another doubted that you could do it. Doubted that you had what it took. We doubted that we would get what we wanted. We doubted your love for us. We were young and dumb, and we didn't know all the sacrifices you made for us.
We didn't know that you gave up new clothes that you desperately needed to get us a new pair of basketball shoes. We didn't know that you skipped meals to make sure that we got as much food as we wanted. We didn't know that you working a second job meant that you could pay the bills. We didn't know all the time you spent working and not with us was so that we could have what we needed. We didn't understand that you were trying to make life better for us when we moved away from our friends. We didn't know that you were trying to make life better for us when you kicked dad out. We didn't understand why you took the hits that were meant for us. I didn't understand any of it.
Until now. I now understand why you did everything for us. I now understand why you did all of the things that we couldn't understand when we were young. I now understand that you showed all of us what it is like to love unconditionally. You showed us what it looks like to work hard, to provide, to do whatever it takes to make ends meet.
You have a son, who you showed what it looks like to provide and lead a family. You have a daughter who you showed how to love unconditionally and always take chances. You have another son that you showed to never give up. You have your youngest daughter that you've showed that sometimes making the hardest decisions are the best examples of love.
And you have me. You've shown me unconditional love, you've shown me that it's okay to take my own path, that it's okay to fight for what you love, that it's okay to leave your past behind you. You've shown me what a good mother looks like. You've shown me that I don't have to live a life hiding from things I'm scared of, but to face those fears head on. To never give up. To love everyone, and to live life to the fullest. But most of all you've taught me to never forget where I came from. You've taught me to never forget that when I'm in need, to hit my knees and pray. Pray hard, and trust God.
To my single mom on Mother's Day. You are a true super hero. You are my role model. You are the best example of a mother. You are my best friend, and I thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Happy Mother's Day.