Monday, May 25, 2015

DWM...week one

Last Sunday my summer adventure started, and about 1 am Monday morning I finally made it to Diamond Willow. Nothing has been slow around here, I swear we are constantly moving to do something. So I figured I would try to do a day by day break down of the week.

But first I guess you need a break down of the people I' might mention.  

Dave: He's my boss, but he's super cool. He has been at DWM for 6 years with his family; his wife Vicky, and their kids Jacob, Andrew, Nathan, Vicka and Ellana. 
Annie: Who I guess is also my boss who is under Dave and they tag team camp operations. She's from North Carolina and has the greatest accent! 
Rod: Who is the man behind the scenes, and behind the pulpit on Sunday Mornings. He's been here from the beginning with his family: wife Val, and their kids Aaron and his wife Cricket, Hannah, Timothy, and Rachel.
Gale: She feeds me. :) 
Shannon: She helps feed us.
Jac, Bethany, and Hannah May. These are the other interns that I get the pleasure of living with this summer in an 8 foot wide camper. 

Our first week was 6th and 7th grade girls camp, and let me tell you...these girls are awesome! Camp doesn't officially start until Wednesday, but we have things happening all week around here. 

This weeks break down: 

Monday morning we were up at 9 am, and in the office ready for whatever was going to happen. Jac, Andrew and I started cleaning the church from all the weekend ruckus that had went on. About 3 o'clock that afternoon a work group from Kingsway Indiana got here. There was 4 of them, which made for an exciting week. We walked through what the camp week was going to look like, and broke up the lessons, activities, and those sort of things. It was a super easy breezy day.

Tuesday was an 8 am morning, and this morning we did worship. Which I really enjoy because I get to play guitar (I don't like singing and I feel like I can connect with worship more through playing). Chris from Kingsway did a devotion over God's promises, which is our theme for the summer camps. It was a nice way to get us pumped up for whatever this week was to bring! We also went to the museum this day. It was awesome! If you don't know this about me, I LOVE museums and things like them! There is so much history that is available for us, and it was just awesome. (I'm working on a blog post with this information in it, so look forward to that!) That night we went out to The Fort to find girls interested in coming to camp. This is always an adventure, especially with groups because you really get to see things and I think it's my favorite part of the week. 

Wednesday I was up at 7:30 to run through the worship music for that day. We had breakfast, worship and did another devotion (we do this everyday so I probably will just say routine). We then had some free time to get our lessons prepared for camp, and then following lunch we went out to pick up girls for camp! So this summer I'll get to drive a little for pick ups and drop offs, but this week I rode with Annie to do them to learn the town a little bit better. As we were driving through Central Annie goes "Look there are some girls are the park...oh never mind that's Pierce." Pierce is a boy that I had for camp last summer, and I adore him. I hadn't seen him yet since I came up for the summer, so Annie stopped to let me say hello. Made my day! 
After we finished pick ups we came back to the church and broke up into teams. My team ended up with three girls, but we were the A Team, because their names all ended with an A. Our lesson this day was about Noah and the promise of the rainbow. It was an awesome way to kick off the week of God's promises.

After our routine morning and picking the girls up, we broke up into our groups again to go over the lesson of God's promise to Abraham. God promised Abraham all these descendants and that one of them would be a savior. This day was tough, because the girls were really pushing Jac and I. They wanted to test us, and see how real we were. It took me a little while to understand that this is what they were doing, and that it was actually an awesome thing, because it also meant that there may be trust growing with them. We took time to memorize bible verses today, and one of our girls knocked it out of the park in getting down to business and getting a lot of memorization done. We had a rock star group!

We talked about two promises on Friday. The first one was Jesus Christ and the promise of the cross, the second one was the feast and the promise of heaven. It was really cool to experience theses lessons with the girls, and see what their thoughts and how much they knew about these promises.
Friday was also our hike day. We went out to the bad lands, which is about two hours from where we are and we went on a 4 mile easy prairie hike. Our girls were awesome with staying with us as a group and we got to have some great Jesus conversations out there. At the very end of our hike there is a "hill" that's more like a mountain for me from Kansas, that we had to get down. There was a leader here from Kingsway who is terrified of heights. Me being the patient person that I am, took an hour to help this lady down the hill. It was one giant rock of crappy terrain that the girls could make it down in 7 minutes. It was actually a lot of fun for me to help her down. I love those sort of situations, and this lady reminded me a lot of my mom. It was enjoyable for me to be a helping hand, plus she paid me in dark chocolate m&m's!
Friday night was also our sleepover...I'll leave out a lot of the details on that because well...I can. It was an interesting night though, and I enjoyed that as well.

Waking the girls up the next morning was a mediocre task. Some of them weren't having it, and some of them thought...yeah, I'm hungry so I'll get up. It was a fantastic day finishing up camp, and such. We announced the team that had the most points that week, and we announced who had the most points in memorization points. It was fun to reflect back on all their hard work.

Church! I love church up here. Obviously the atmosphere is different than UCC, and not just size. Worship is not as contemporary, we sing some songs in the native language, and I always get the chance to meet someone new. That and Pierce was here. It's always good to see that little rascal, and there were camps girls here too, who now feel comfortable around me. It was a good day! :)

Sorry my post isn't super in depth, but this is what routinely my weeks will look like. As the summer goes on I hope to write more about experiences and culture things, but this is a good week one and what I'm sort of doing.
Again I appreciate everyone's support through prayer, financially, or just reading these blogs. I appreciate you.

I do want to leave you with a verse that was my comfort verse this week and that's Isaiah 41:10...go look it up ;)


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