Monday, June 8, 2015

To My Best Friend ...In Honor of National Best Friend Day

1.     Of the most excellent, effective, or desirable type or quality
1.     That which means the most excellent, outstanding, or desirable

1.     A person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard
2.     A person who gives assistance; patron; supporter

Best Friend
/best frend/
1.     A persons closest friend

If you did what I just did, looking at those definitions with your best friend in mind you DID NOT agree that those definitions did any justice for them. My best friend and I’s relationship cannot be defined that easily. I think my best friend is 100 times greater than that. That’s why she’s my best friend.

Today was National Best Friend Day, and as hard as it is being 500 miles from my best friend it was worth celebrating.

I tend to be a very narrow minded, very selfish person. Especially when it comes to friendships. I never wanted ordinary friendships. I never wanted people who would act like they cared, and then talk behind my back. In high school I never wanted that to happen to me, and I never wanted to be that girl. So I refused. I worked to be the best of a friend that I could be. I wanted extraordinary friendships.

There is no really cool story, or defining moment to my best friend and I's becoming of friends. We had known each other for years through a ministry we did together, but it was only recently that I could tell she was the definition of a best friend. It happened rather quickly, and it is surprising we have made it so long without each other. Both she and I also were/are very iffy about the term best friend. I've had multiple best friends over the years, but none like Brittani. None that actually stood this far apart from your typical friend.

I made a list earlier this week about the qualities that made her "da best". It was a list of funny things and serious things, but a list that truly defined a best friend.

This "holiday" if it can actually be called that, is a great reminder to give thanks to our friends for being the best. From the late night chats that we have nightly, or the multiple chick-fil-a dates we've had, the introverting together, the phone calls while we took some of the longest drives alone, the movies, together and apart, the nights when she just sings, the laughs, the tears...that we know about but haven't actually shared, and all the other great moments we've had. I couldn't imagine life without her.

Life gets messy and crazy and emotional. We need a person to be with us in those moments. Life gets beautiful and exciting and awesome. We need a person  to be with us in those moments. We'll have plenty of people come and go in our lives, but a best friend is going to make it through the sticky parts. We'll have people jump in when we're flying high, and a best friend is going to call them out on that. We'll have relationships and break-ups, and we need a person for those moments too.

The number one thing that makes my best friend stand out among everyone else is her constant encouragement in my walk with Christ. There is nothing more important to me than my walk with Christ, and that walk isn't something I can do on my own. Life isn't a walk I can do on my own. We can't do any of it on our own, and we need people to motivate and push us forward. That's what a best friend is for. That's what my best friend is super good at.

Having a best friend is a need. Being a best friend is a need. We can't expect people to give and give and give to us, and not give anything in return. I aim daily to be as good of a person to my best friend as she is to me.

Happy National Best Friend Brittani. I love you long time.


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